Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Time Reading, yay!

I'm sure the kids cannot wait for summer break to start and I'm sure you will be wanting fall to come as soon as it does. I'm going to help you out....A great way to keep the kids occupied this summer is to keep their learning and curiosity going. An awesome way to do that is to join a summer reading program. Most libraries have summer reading programs. Just Google local libraries in your area. You can also find great reading lists on the Internet.

Participating in activities like summer reading programs keep children learning and engaged in the act of reading. Remember, you can make reading fun! PBS has a great summer reading "community challenge program." Visit www.challenges.ivillage.com/kids-summer-reading. Oprah also has a great reading list for kids. She even sorts it by age level. Visit www.Oprah.com and navigate through her site to find the reading list of choice.

To make this activity exciting you can create a fun challenge within your home. Give out small (cheap) prizes when so many books are read or when a book is finished. Or, give the kids a trip to the library to pick out a fun book or magazine. You can also join in the fun and read a long with your kids. There's nothing like beating your Mom or Dad at reading a book! If you have a lot of time and are home during the summer try creating a small book club with kids in the local neighborhood. Not only will you get the kids reading....but you'll get them thinking too!

Hope your kids enjoy reading and you enjoy reading with them. Now get those kids reading! And...don't forget to check out Mypersonalizedprint.com!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Holiday Weekend Time

Anyone having family over to celebrate the holiday weekend? Why not get the whole family involved, kids, aunts & uncles, grandmas & grandpas, friends and neighbors? Instead of the traditional barbecue throw some fun in there. I suggest some fun trivia and a cute crafts for the kids.

1. Try some fun trivia from kidscraftzone.com. Have each participant write down their answer. Then, read off the correct answer and hand out prizes. Everyone should get a prize to make things fair and more fun. But, hand out prizes by highest to lowest scores. You can find cute and inexpensive holiday prizes in the "dollar spot" at Target. Try this trivia!
-What was the 1st state to celebrate the holiday? NY
-What is the original name for the holiday? "decoration day"
-Memorial Day is the day of remembrance for whom? Those who have served our country
-What flower is the holiday's flower? Red poppies
-When was the first holiday? May 1968
-How many stripes are on the American flag? 13
-What other major sporting event coincides with the holiday? Indianapolis 500
-Think of two more ways the holiday can be celebrated? i.e. barbecue, visit to grave site, fire works, parade
(change the questions to adapt to the age group at the party)

Try this fun craft with the kids: Visit enchantedlearning.com/crafts/pinwheel/
This is something fun for everyone and the kids can use it outside during the day!

Hope everyone has a great holiday. Don't forget to visit Mypersonalizedprint.com for cute personalized placemats!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Time for a movie review!

Loved, loved, loved the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, "On Stranger Tides." In case you all don't know and haven't seen it....

Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too.

There are some new characters in this movie and some missing that we have grown used to seeing. I think this made for a fresh fourth movie and gave the audience something new to get excited about. The length of the movie was perfect as well. It was about a two hour movie. The audience was full of kids, families, couples, adults. There was something for everyone. Beware though...this may not be the movie for your little tiny ones to go and see. It is fun and full of adventure and you will leave wanting to be a pirate but you will never look at mermaids the same way again and the movie has it's dark moments. (These are nothing like Ariel from Disney's Little Mermaid) If you haven't seen it yet I highly suggest you do though! Enjoy and have a fun night out with the family!

Get the kids a little fun pack before the movie. Purchase one of our pirate placemats from Mypersonalizedprint.com argggg. Make an eye patch with the kiddos (see previous blog) and get some gold chocolate coins for the adventure. Argggg!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Anyone up for Turtles and Tea?

Hi All! Happy Friday!

I just posted some great weekend activities on my Twitter page, @Mycreatedprint. The weather still isn't the best but spring time activities will get you in the mind set of summer! If you visit Kidwinks.com they have a great list every week of events going on in the Chicago area. If you need something to do check them out. I found a cute event and wish I had time to go to it.

"Tea with the Turtles"
This sounds so cute!
"Enjoy some tea time treats, view short films from Facets Multimedia about turtles and spring, and try out radio transmitters used to track endangered turtles. Join us on the terrace for an exclusive turtle poop party (weather permitting)."

Date: May 22
Time: 2:30 - 4:30
Where: Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
2430 North Cannon Drive

Purchase tickets in advance online, $7 and $3 for children. (Totally within your budget!)

Enjoy and if you end up going comment about it!
Remember to check out Mypersonalizedprint.com for cute placemats and follow me on Twitter @Mycreatedprint

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away....

Well Folks...
It's rainy and cloudy here in Chicago. So let's talk about a fun activity and craft the kids can do inside and that you can do with them. This one sounds like so much fun and now I totally wish I was little so I could do it myself!

Play Treasure Hunters!
If you have any fun pirate stuff around the house let your kids wear it for their fun adventure. But there is an easy craft below that they will love! Stash various clues around the house, depending on their age group. Make sure that each clue has a little piece of paper that leads your child to the next clue. They will love this and have so much fun. At the end of the hunt have a buried treasure. Maybe a fun movie, that you already have and a bag of popcorn. After their exploring they will be beat and ready for a movie and some popcorn. To get the kids ready make sure they have a good healthy lunch. You can pair their lunch with our cute Pirate placemat from Mypersonalizedprint.com. It will get them in the pirate/treasure hunting mind frame.

Want to make a cute eye patch for the kids to wear while hunting for their treasure?
What you will need-
-Black construction paper
-Elastic or ribbon

1. Cut out an eye patch shape, you can find one on google, to fit your child's eye.
2. Cut slits into each side of the eye patch. Make sure they are not too big.
3. Put the elastic or ribbon through the slits in the eye patch. Make sure to fit it to the size of your child's head.
4. Tie the ribbon or elastic into knots on each end once it is through the slits.
5. Have fun!

Remember to check out Mypersonalizedprint.com for more fun themed placemat ideas!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Breakfast....is it important?

Did your kids eat breakfast this morning before heading off to school? I sure hope so! Try to remember during your busy morning that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives your kids the necessary energy that they need to make it through their day. Don't want them falling asleep in class, what's the point of going then, right? Here's some tips and breakfast ideas provided from Kidshealth.org.

Quick facts:
1. Kids who don't eat breakfast are less able to learn at school
2. Skipping breakfast doesn't help people maintain a healthy weight. Those who skip tend to eat more calories throughout the day.
3. It is best to eat a variety of foods at breakfast time.

Yummy breakfast ideas:
Eggs, french toast, cold cereal and milk, hot cereal, whole-grain toast or bagel, yogurt with fruit

Are you always in a rush? Here are some "breakfast on the go" ideas:
yogurt, fresh fruit, whole-grain muffin, trail mix and dry cereal

Check out kidshealth.org for some yummy recipes that you can prep for breakfast the night before!

Don't' forget....check out Mypersonalizedprint.com for cute personalized placemats. They are perfect for the messy morning eater and are re-usable.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Keeping the love alive?

Happy Friday the 13th everyone!

Every Friday I am going to talk about fun ways to spice up your date life with your significant other or fun activities to do with the kids. Since it is the weekend you have to unwind a little bit and have some fun!

So today is "date night talk" day. I'm sure most of you are thinking...."Were too busy to go out just the two of us" or "Our kids have way to many activities." Well stop, if you want to keep the love alive, the communication flowing and have your own lives you've got to have those date nights every once in a while. Remember your date nights don't have to be extravagant. Here are some fun ideas that won't break the bank or take up a huge chunk of your schedule.

Ideas from RedBookMag.com
1. Try live entertainment, such as a band at a local bar, instead of a movie.
2. Go out to brunch and a matinee.
3. Pick up a bucket of fried chicken and head to the drive-in. (This one is my fav!)

Give them a try and have some fun.

Remember to check out Mypersonalizedprint.com for cute personalized placemats for your kiddos!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lets get those kids outside!

Since the weather is AMAZING here in Chicago I thought today I would talk about getting your kids outside and teaching them to be active. I think this might be my Wednesday!! These are great ideas that you can use when your older kids are home for the summer too. But, right now have fun and play with your little ones!

According to Kidshealth.org, "When kids are active, their bodies can do the things they want and need them to do. Why? Because regular exercise provides these benefits:

  • strong muscles and bones

  • weight control (start at an early age)

  • decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes (no kid wants to deal with this)

  • better sleep (no one wants a grumpy kid)

  • a better outlook on life (help boost self esteem @ an early age)

"Healthy, physically active kids are also more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful!"

Try these fun outdoor activites:

1. Swimming-The pools might not be open but sign those little ones up, who don't know how to swim yet, for swimming lessons now. That way you can all visit the pool without a worry and you can work on your tan too!

2. Grow a kid friendly garden. This will help teach kids how to be patient, have fun and eat good food. Buy a few large pots from your local hardware store (or use some old ones lying around). Buy the basic plant fertilizer. I recommend starting with simple plants i.e. Tomatoes and green peppers. Plant your plants and place them in an area up off the ground away from the animals. Water them everyday and have fun watching your kids excitement grow!

More summer fun activities to come every Wednesday! Enjoy!

p.s. Once your veggies grow eat them for a healthy afternoon snack!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Helloooooo bloggers!

Hi Bloggers!

I've been doing a lot of research on Mommy Blogs and Grandparent Blogs and decided it was time to attempt blogging. Since the sun is shining and the weather here in Chicago is in the 80's I thought it would be the perfect day to start. I am the behind the scenes girl for a NEW, and I mean new, personalized product website called Mypersonalizedprint.com. Everyone should check it out. We will be adding new products in the future!

I am going to talk about useful things that concern parents, children and grandparents. I want this blog to be about summertime fun! Bare with me as I embark on my blog adventure. Don't be afraid to suggest things. I can use all the advice I can get.

Enjoy my blogs and stay tuned to some exciting summertime fun!