Monday, July 18, 2011

Beating the Summer Heat

Hi everyone! Sorry about the whole, "too busy to blog thing." Life and work have been CRAZY lately, but I'm back! Hope you all are enjoying your summer. The weather here in Chicago is going to be super hot, sticky, humid, and rainy these next few days. What the heck are you going to do with the kids? It's too hot to be outside and it's the end of summer and they don't want to be stuck inside. Here is what I suggest!

1. If the kids are going crazy and have to go outside....Make sure they are playing in some sort of water. Conduct sponge races, have them swim, set up a sprinkler obstacle course. Make sure to have them take breaks in order to drink some water and eat some refreshing fruit. You need to make sure to hydrate them and fill them with the good sugar in weather like this.
2. Take a trip to the local library or local children's museum. Let the kids go loose and let them explore. This kind of trip will be educational and will give you some quiet time.
3. This is the time to go see that movie the kids have been wanting to see. Pop a bag of popcorn before and distribute it into little plastic bags for each kid. Sneak in some juice boxes as well. This will save some money and give you some time to cool off.

Try these ideas and remember to stay cool and hydrated!

Remember to check out for cute placemats for the end of summer or beginning of the school year. Yikes...did I just say that?

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