Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall Time Family Fun

Now that fall is finally here....well, officially this Friday....I'm sure you are wondering what the heck you are going to do with the kids when the weather starts getting chilly. I have a great idea! Take a family trip to your local apple orchard!

Orchards are a great place to have some family fun. Most of them have a great tractor ride that will take you and the kids out to the apple orchard. What kid doesn't like to ride on a tractor? The fresh air and exercise of picking apples is great for the little ones as well. And, you don't have to worry about a snack, let them just pick one right off the tree!

After apple picking is done head on back to the main area for some fun. Most orchards have lots of things for kids to do. Some have pony rides, corn mazes, jungle gyms etc. Let the kids burn off some energy and then grab some grub. The apple orchard I visit is known for great food! I am sure most orchards are as well. Explore the options and try something festive, like a hot apple cider or apple cider donut! Don't forget to check out all of the fun crafts as well.

Remember....a trip to the apple orchard would be a perfect opportunity for a fun family photo. This might even make a great Christmas card picture! (I know I know...who is thinking about that already.)

Take a trip to to check out some local apple orchards. If you are in the Chicago area stop by Edwards Apple Orchard in Poplar Grove. Have fun on your family fall adventure!

Stop by for a cute holiday placemat pack!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Smells Like Fall

WOW! Has it been forever since I last blogged. Sorry about this. Lets just say that things got a little crazy around here. But, who doesn't love a change in scenery. Speaking of...Has anyone noticed that it is starting to feel like fall. I always love this time of year and always love decorating for this time of year.

It is wayyy to early (In my eyes) to decorate for Halloween. I bet some of you agree and are wondering how to decorate for that in-between time. Am I right? If so, here are some simple tips to make your home feel "fall like" and cozy.

1. Get some fall scented candles. My favorite are the ones from White Barn Candle Co. (you know...Bath and Body Works) or Yankee. If you want to go the less expensive route pop on over to your local grocery store.
-Favorite fall scents = Pumpkin, spice, leaves and hot apple cinnamon.

2. Buy a festive wreath with berries and leaves. This is one that you can leave up until Thanksgiving rolls around.

3. Purchase or make some festive decorations. I like hanging leaves and berries on my mantel. Or creating a hand made design to place over a mirror or one that goes around a candle holder.

4. Break out the fall rug, placemats, some gourds and wooden pumpkins. (Who said pumpkins can only be out for Halloween)

Try these fun little decorating tips and I am guarantee your home will be your sanctuary after a long day at work!

We have cute Halloween and Thanksgiving placemats at too. Stop on by to check them out!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fall = Time for Sports!

Since Fall has rolled around and school has started it is time for fall sports to start! If your kids are in high school or middle school I am sure most of them started their sport in the summer. But, what about the little ones? There are so many sports to choose from. How do you help them choose the right one? It's simple.....Have them choose the one they have the most fun doing! Sometimes parents can get caught up in the moment and have their kids enrolled in 5 different things at one time and can get lost in the game.

Here are some other tips that can help you have a successful sports season. Remember, you are the one that has to drive the kids to everything. So, if you want an easy season here are some suggestions...

1. Have your child pick 1 sport for each season. If they want more to do have them enroll in a different after school activity. i.e. An art class, tutoring or a book club
2. Create a carpool with other families in your neighborhood. This will help with gas expenses and won't tie down your free time with every practice that rolls around.
3. Make each game fun for your kid! Even if they lose let them know how great they did and remind them to just have fun. They can become more serious about a sport when you start paying more for the sport and when they get older.
4. Choose a team or a sport that won't have you all over the place. If you can find a sport or activity that takes place down the road. That is the one you want to choose!

Remember to have fun with your kids this fall and every other sports season! If you need ideas for what sports to choose stop by is working on some exciting things! Keep your eye posted for a cute sports themed placemat pack!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Time for School

Hi everyone!

Do you have a little one heading off to school for the first time this year? Here's some ways to get them excited for school and making them feel comfortable while away from you and from home.

1. Get your kiddo adjusted to the sleeping schedule: Have them head off to bed at a decent time. This will make it easier when the school week comes around.
2. Rent some movies from your local library: There are some good cartoons that showcase back-to-school episodes, for example, Franklin and Arthur.
3. Check out some library books: Your local librarian can help you find some books. Check out books that either a. talk about going back to school or b. check out some books and get your kiddo reading
4. Have a "back-to-school" chat with your kid(s). Talk to them about the things they might experience, how the day is going to happen, how to behave and act around others. This way they won't be going into the school year blind.

Some fun things you can do during the school year
1. Put small notes in their lunch or snack pack. A quick little hello from Mom or Dad can make the day that much better!
2. Buy them some fun notebooks or pencils. If they have something with them that is their favorite they will enjoy school that much more.
3. Pick them up from school every once in a while. I know most of us work but once a month or every other month it is okay to head out early and pick your kid up.
4. Remember...Always asked them "what they learned" and "what they liked" about their day. This is a great conversation for the dinner table.

Enjoy the school year with your little ones!

Visit for cute personalized placemats. They are perfect for kicking the school year off on the right foot!

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Look

Hi Everyone!
I wanted to let you all know that we have made some changes to We have added a Blogger button that will link you out to our blog. We have also added a new holiday placemat pack. I am so excited because the holiday placemats are so cute! Not only have we added a placemat pack, we have also lowered the cost of shipping. There is going to be a standard shipping rate! Hope you all take a visit today and order a holiday pack!

Remember, you can follow me on Twitter at @Mycreatedprint

Have a great weekend!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Beauty & Brains

"Beauty might get you through the door, but your brains are what get you a seat at the table."

Let's talk mother/daughter relationships today. No matter what age your children are this relationship is one of the most important relationship your daughter/s will have during their lifetime. There are so many girls growing up today that don't have a strong parental presences in their life. A lot of kids, not all, are growing up without boundaries, without good self-esteem, or a parent who is a friend instead of being a parent. I read an article today from that I really connected with. The article talked about how girls these days need to grow up knowing that beauty is not the only important thing. That beauty can only get you so far and that there is more to life than looking like Paris Hilton or acting like Lindsay Lohan.

Afraid your daughter is going to turn into one of these girls someday? Well, you can help to prevent that. Mother's,
1. You need to take an active role in your daughters life from an early age. They may not like it, but you have to do it.
2. Try to build their confidence every day. Show them and tell them that they are good at something.
3. Encourage them to think outside of the box and be unique and who they really want to be.
4. Enroll them in actives. Not just sports, but other social or learning actives. Like a book club, for example.
5. Make sure to encourage their "brains" and not just their "beauty."
6. Don't be afraid to set rules and hold your daughter's (and sons) accountable for their actions. A lot of kids these days get away with anything.

The more involved you are in you daughter's life the more they will appreciate it when they are older. My mother (and father) were always in my business. They always had rules and if I didn't follow them I was in TROUBLE. I probably told them I "hated" them once or twice, but now that I am the age that I am, I truly understand why they were so involved. And realize that I would not be the woman that I am today. So mother's, get involved and encourage your daughter's to NOT be like everyone else! has great placemats to help grow those "brains." We've got great activities on the back! can follow me on Twitter at @Mycreatedprint

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bringing the Family Together

Need a fun end of the summer activity that brings the whole family together? I have a great idea!

This past weekend I went fishing with my family for the first time! It was so much fun and very relaxing. We all had a great time and got a chance to visit before things started to get crazy! Spending time with family is very important to me.

Choose a day, that isn't to hot or humid, to go to a local forest preserve. Pick a spot with a good sized lake that has picnic tables fairly close to the lake. Whoever has a fishing license should bring their poles. If you don't have a licences you can pick one up for $15 at your local Wal-Mart or gun emporium. (Yes, I know, that sounds a little funny) But, if you don't have a license you can get fined quiet a bit of money. (In case you were wondering....the money goes to the fund to re-stock fish in all of the lakes every year)

Have each family bring a dish to pass, picnic style of course. And make sure you have a spot with a grill. It would be fun to bring some picnic style games as well. Like...Bago, ladder golf, Frisbee or wiffel ball. There will be something there for everyone!

Just sit back, relax and enjoy the day with each other. Sometimes the most fun you have is just sitting around and catching up! has great personalized placemats. We even have a forest themed placemat with a fishing bear! Perfect for your family fishing outing or afterwords to keep the memory fresh!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Are your kids ready for school?

Summer has been great, but it's time to start thinking about the school year. In a little over a month the kids will be back in school, but area they ready? You should still let your kids have fun and enjoy their freedom, but prep them for the fall school year. Try using these simple 5 tips from Susan Stainsby. Remember, to make them fun!

1. Read
-If you haven't done so already have your kids start a small ready list. Or have them finish the list they already started. This will help to keep your child's mind active and sharp. Make this fun for the kids. Take a trip to the library or give them an incentive/goal to reach by the end of summer. What kid doesn't love winning at something?!
2. Make sure your kiddo gets enough sleep
-I'm sure you've loosened up on bed time these past few months. But, make sure your kid is still getting his/her full 8-10 hours. I recommend starting a school like sleep schedule about two weeks before school starts. Whatever their bed time is during the school year is when they should head off to sleep. You can be a little leanient on their wakeup time. (I'm sure you like your sleep too) This way, you won't have a crabby kiddo the first few weeks of school.
3. Emphasize the positive
-Make shopping for back to school fun! If you send out a negative vibe or make the shopping seem like work then your kids will have a sour feeling about going back to school. Let them pick out a school supply that is fun. i.e. Let them get that sparkly notebook. Also make school clothes shopping fun by taking a trip to McDonald's for lunch afterwords.
-You can also make some fun crafts that will get your kids in the school spirit. Try making homemade bookmarks, play number mazes, tic-tac-toe and create some fun crossword puzzles!
4. Don't wear them out
-This might be a little late, but don't sign your kids up for "five different summer camps." If they are already enrolled in a lot keep things low key the last few weeks before school. Give them some down time and let them play.
5. Practice handwriting and spelling
-"Kids who don't write during the summer have to relearn to write and spell when school starts." Have the kids start a journal and let them write about their daily summer adventures. Or spend certain days letting them create their own stories. If you've got a little one in the house you can also stop at a local teaching store or office supply store and find alphabet tracing sheets.

Hope you've all been having a great summer and I hope your looking forward to the school year!

Check out for personalized placemats! They have great games and activities on the back, perfect for that end of summer school prep!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Beating the Summer Heat

Hi everyone! Sorry about the whole, "too busy to blog thing." Life and work have been CRAZY lately, but I'm back! Hope you all are enjoying your summer. The weather here in Chicago is going to be super hot, sticky, humid, and rainy these next few days. What the heck are you going to do with the kids? It's too hot to be outside and it's the end of summer and they don't want to be stuck inside. Here is what I suggest!

1. If the kids are going crazy and have to go outside....Make sure they are playing in some sort of water. Conduct sponge races, have them swim, set up a sprinkler obstacle course. Make sure to have them take breaks in order to drink some water and eat some refreshing fruit. You need to make sure to hydrate them and fill them with the good sugar in weather like this.
2. Take a trip to the local library or local children's museum. Let the kids go loose and let them explore. This kind of trip will be educational and will give you some quiet time.
3. This is the time to go see that movie the kids have been wanting to see. Pop a bag of popcorn before and distribute it into little plastic bags for each kid. Sneak in some juice boxes as well. This will save some money and give you some time to cool off.

Try these ideas and remember to stay cool and hydrated!

Remember to check out for cute placemats for the end of summer or beginning of the school year. Yikes...did I just say that?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our Founding Father's

Hi Everyone!
I just got back from the most amazing trip to Washington D.C.. There are so many things to do and see. I recommend a family vacation to D.C.. Your older kids will appreciate it the most, but there is fun stuff for the young ones to do as well. Take a look at this list below and start exploring. I recommend going around the 4th of July. There is nothing like it. But....if you want to avoid the heat and humidity try a trip during the spring or fall. The landscape is beautiful during those times.

Places and must-sees while in D.C.:
1. Take the kids to see the monuments (Lincoln, Vietnam Memorial, World War II Memorial and the Washington Monument) at night. There is a certain magic to them and they are breath taking at night
2. Arlington Cemetery: There are so many things to see at the cemetery. You can take a bus tour around the cemetery. I recommend seeing the changing of the guards.
3. Mount Vernon: You can tour George Washington's house, see some breath taking views, tour the grounds and take a short trip through Virginia.
4. If the kids need a snack break I suggest stopping in Georgetown at Georgetown Cupcakes. Ever watch TLC's D.C. Cupcakes. Yup! That's Georgetown Cupcakes, the Strawberry is delicious!
5. Any baseball fans? The Washington Nationals baseball stadium is a must see. The kids can take pictures with bobble head mascots and you can enjoy a game as a family.
6. Smithsonian: There are about 10 different ones you can go to. Check out the American history and natural history ones. You can see exhibits like....The Hope Diamond, the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz, the First Ladies dresses, and much much more!

Other monuments and things you must see: Ford's theater, White House, Library of Congress, the Supreme Court Building and the Capital.

This will be a worthwhile vacation that you will never forget.'s educational!

Don't forget to check out for personalized placemats!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This is for you working ladies!

Are there any of you that have a job that make you sit at a desk all day? Do any of you feel that once you get home you have no time to work out? Well....I am here to tell you that I can help you out! After watching E! news....yes E! news I learned how to help you out! Ladies this is what I like to call the "Desk Workout!"

Desk Workout: Trust me...I tried this yesterday and after completing the entire workout I felt everything!

1. Hover Squats: Start out sitting in your chair. Then, use your legs to hover slightly above your chair. Make sure to dig into your heels and stick your butt out. Hold this for 3 seconds. Try to complete 15 repetitions in a row.

2. Shoulder Lifts: This is very important for desk jobs. Throughout the day we tend to hunch and this is great at fixing that and our posture. Start by taking a deep breath and lift your shoulders up and back as you do so. Make sure to suck in your stomach, hold 3 seconds and release. Do 15 reps during the day.

3. Flamingo: Stand on one leg, at your desk, making sure it is slightly bent. Raise the opposite leg behind you, bending at the knee to a 90 degree angle. Make sure shoulders are back and stomach is pulled in tight. Hold for 30 seconds and then complete on other leg. Do 15 reps throughout the day.

4. Chair Twist: Take a deep breath in and twist to the left side of your chair. (Make sure to let your breath out when you twist, don't want anyone passing out) Hold it for 30 seconds and then repeat to the right side. Complete 15 reps during your day.

5. Ab Flex: Sit up straight in your chair with shoulders back. Take a deep breath in, then release, suck in stomach, and push your belly button to the back of your stomach. Hold for 5 seconds each time and complete 15 reps in a row.

You can:
a. break up your work out and do half in the am and half in the pm
b. Complete the work out more than once in a day for even better results

Results will vary, but you will notice a difference. Remember, to change your eating habits otherwise these exercieses will be a lost cause. It will also help to relieve some of your stress. Enjoy your workout!

Spread the word about! And visit us on Twitter at @Mycreatedprint or find us on Facebook under our website name.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Kid Friendly Garden

Hi All!
I decided today would be a great day to blog. Are any of you interested in creating a garden? Or have your kids been wanting to help you out in the garden? I figured out a kid friendly way to garden. It won't take a lot of money, time and it won't be messy. If you don't feel like digging a big hole in the middle of your yard this is the garden for you!

1. Buy 2-3 vegetable plants. You can find reasonable priced plants at your local hardware or grocery store. I bought mine at Home Depot. The best types of plants that are easy to grow and yummy to eat are: tomatoes, green peppers and green beans. However, the beans will climb so they need something to attach to.

2. Pick a spot to place them. I have a deck and therefore I placed my plants inside our deck. This will keep the animals away, provide good sun and a place for my bean plant to crawl on. If you don't have a deck place the planets by some flowers. The flowers will keep the animales away too.

3. Water your plants every day. Since they are potted plants they will need a little extra water. So...soak em good! If your leaves start to turn yellow that means you need to cut back on the H2O.

4. If you are not sure on any of the above or have questions just ask your local head Gardner. Each hardware store and grocery store should have a head Gardner on staff to provide you with the answers to your questions.

Growing a garden will teach your kids patients and how to take care of something. It will also get them outside and they will enjoy seeing something grow!

Remember to visit for personalized placemats for meal-time and they make great gifts! You can also follow me on Twitter @Mycreatedprint. I tweet about all things kids, family, and grandparents!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Destination Vegas...Family?

Happy Friday!
I lied...I decided to blog today too. I'm heading on vacation soon to...yep you guessed it VEGAS! Do you want to take a trip to Vegas soon too? I'm here to tell you that you can do it as a couple or take the kids a long. You probably think I'm crazy, right? Take the kids a long? Not at all! Below is how you do a Vegas vacation family style!

There are plenty of things to do in Vegas for the whole family and many things to do that are right outside of Vegas.

1. Hotel vs. rental house?: Some fun hotels for the kiddos would be Excalibur, Circus Circus, & New York New York. If the hotel and strip aren't for you try renting a house. Most rental houses come with your own pool (no fighting for a chair), own rooms, fun games (pool table, fooseball etc) and most come fully stocked (coolers, beach chairs, bikes).

2. Things to do in Vegas: You don't have to spend a lot of money to have fun in Vegas. Take the kids around to all of the cool hotels and explore with them. a. Go to the Mirage and see the Secret Garden and the Volcano. b. Watch the Pirate Show at the Treasure Island Hotel. c. If you want to spend a little money take the kids to see the Tournament of Kings show at the Excalibur Hotel.

3. Things to do outside of Vegas: Want to take some small day trips and explore the sites? Nevada is a beautiful state! It depends on how far you want to travel but the following are great things to go do and see. will get to wind through the beautiful mountains!
a. The Hoover Damn
b. Red Rock Canyon
c. Rent a boat and go on Lake Mead or just take in the scenery
d. The Grand Canyon, North Rim

See...There is plenty to do in Vegas with the kids. If your not up for bringing them a long take a trip just the two of you. You can do all of the above and add some fun shows in the mix!

Remember to check out this summer for cute personalized placemats. They are the perfect gift idea!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Travel Time with the Kiddos

It's that time of the year again....Family vacation time! Family vacations can sometimes be stressful but don't have to be. If your planning a vacation in the near future try these 5 simple tips when traveling with kids. They can even work for those teenagers in your family.

1. Snacks! Always have snacks with you on trips. This will help turn the crabby kid into a happy kid. Try...fruit snacks, mini candy bars, granola bars, or trail mix.
2. Band Aids! You know the kids are always hurting themselves so it never hurts to have some extra band aids on hand.
3. Sanitary Wipes! If you don't have a bathroom around and need to clean up, a small pack of these is a good idea. Or you can use them to wipe down tables or places to sit if you are out and about.
4. Small Electronics! Down time and boredom are bound to occur during a vacation. Or, one kid is interested in something while the other kid is not. Bring the...Game Boy, Nintendo DS, DVD player or electronic card game player along.
5. Plastic Bag! It is a great idea to have these with when trekking around on a family vacation. If it has rained and you need a place to sit you can use them as a chair cover. Or, if the kiddos have stuff with them they can place it in their bag. It makes it easier for them to carry things and you don't have to lug everything around for them.

Try these 5 ideas the next time you take a family vacation. If you need an alternative, small and inexpensive vacation this summer try the following:
-Wisconsin Dells
-Springfield, IL
-Columbus, OH
-Nashville, TN

Enjoy your travels and don't forget to take a look around for custom and re-usable placemats.

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's time for Mom & Dad to have a date night!

Hi parents!
I bet you guys have been crazy with school ending and getting the kids set up for summer. How about you two take some time for yourselves to have fun and relax. I have the perfect idea for you!

Date: Comedy club and dinner!
Most towns have a local comedy club. Most have an early show around 7 and a later show around 9. Go out to dinner before or after to a restaurant you can't go to with the kids. Then, kick back, have a drink or two and laugh your heads off!

If you are in the Chicago area you can try the following comedy clubs:
1. Zanies, St. Charles IL
2. Schaumburg Comedy Club, Schaumburg IL
3. Second City, Chicago IL

But, if you aren't in the Chicago area Google will be your friend! Remember to make time for the two of you and have some fun every once in a while. It will make your hectic life seem a little less hectic. check out Get the kiddos a personalized placemat to use during meal-time so the babysitter can relax a little too!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Whoa Baby...Is it hot or what...

I don't know about you...but us Chicagoans have been experiencing some extremely hot and HUMID weather these past few days. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE summer, but not intense heat. I'm sure there are many of you right a long with me. I have decided that I am going to help you out and give you some advice when taking the kiddos outside. You can't spend all day couped up in the house so if your going to get outside let's protect them!

When going outside remember to:
1. Bring plenty of water with you. You can never have too much.
2. Bring some healthy snacks. Any type of melon is great during the summer because it is refreshing and hydrates you at the same time.
3. Put the sun block on the kiddos before they even go outside. And, re-apply about every hour to hour and a half.
4. If your heading to the pool make sure to place a t-shirt on the kids or a hat on the smaller ones.

A fun outdoor idea would be to plug in the sprinkler and let the kids have fun and stay cool while outside. I found a cute one at for only $14.99. Or plug in the one you use to water your flowers with.

Have fun outside but remember to be safe! Don't forget to use one of our personalized and re-usable placemats when you come inside for a lunch break. Visit for more details.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Father's Day

Happy Monday everyone!

Well....It's almost time for another holiday. Man, I feel like the holiday season is never going to end. That is why I am here to help you prepare for celebrating Father's Day this year! The following are some ideas that won't break the bank but will allow the father you are celebrating kick back and enjoy his day.

Daily Activities:
1. Book a round of golf for Dad. Don't include the kiddos this time and let him hang out with the guys.
2. Give him time during the day to do something that he enjoys without the daily disruptions i.e. Work out in the yard, go fishing for a few hours, grab a beer and head out to the pool....
3. After Dad has had some time to himself it's your time to celebrate with him.
-Cook him his favorite meal
-Have the family over for a barbecue
-Take him to his favorite restaurant

Homemade gift ideas for the kids:
1. Luggage tags
2. Paper weights
3. Homemade cards
4. Note taking pad

You can check out how to make these cute gift ideas and find more ideas at!
Remember to check out as well and find me on Twitter @Mycreatedprint.
Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Time Reading, yay!

I'm sure the kids cannot wait for summer break to start and I'm sure you will be wanting fall to come as soon as it does. I'm going to help you out....A great way to keep the kids occupied this summer is to keep their learning and curiosity going. An awesome way to do that is to join a summer reading program. Most libraries have summer reading programs. Just Google local libraries in your area. You can also find great reading lists on the Internet.

Participating in activities like summer reading programs keep children learning and engaged in the act of reading. Remember, you can make reading fun! PBS has a great summer reading "community challenge program." Visit Oprah also has a great reading list for kids. She even sorts it by age level. Visit and navigate through her site to find the reading list of choice.

To make this activity exciting you can create a fun challenge within your home. Give out small (cheap) prizes when so many books are read or when a book is finished. Or, give the kids a trip to the library to pick out a fun book or magazine. You can also join in the fun and read a long with your kids. There's nothing like beating your Mom or Dad at reading a book! If you have a lot of time and are home during the summer try creating a small book club with kids in the local neighborhood. Not only will you get the kids reading....but you'll get them thinking too!

Hope your kids enjoy reading and you enjoy reading with them. Now get those kids reading! And...don't forget to check out!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Holiday Weekend Time

Anyone having family over to celebrate the holiday weekend? Why not get the whole family involved, kids, aunts & uncles, grandmas & grandpas, friends and neighbors? Instead of the traditional barbecue throw some fun in there. I suggest some fun trivia and a cute crafts for the kids.

1. Try some fun trivia from Have each participant write down their answer. Then, read off the correct answer and hand out prizes. Everyone should get a prize to make things fair and more fun. But, hand out prizes by highest to lowest scores. You can find cute and inexpensive holiday prizes in the "dollar spot" at Target. Try this trivia!
-What was the 1st state to celebrate the holiday? NY
-What is the original name for the holiday? "decoration day"
-Memorial Day is the day of remembrance for whom? Those who have served our country
-What flower is the holiday's flower? Red poppies
-When was the first holiday? May 1968
-How many stripes are on the American flag? 13
-What other major sporting event coincides with the holiday? Indianapolis 500
-Think of two more ways the holiday can be celebrated? i.e. barbecue, visit to grave site, fire works, parade
(change the questions to adapt to the age group at the party)

Try this fun craft with the kids: Visit
This is something fun for everyone and the kids can use it outside during the day!

Hope everyone has a great holiday. Don't forget to visit for cute personalized placemats!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Time for a movie review!

Loved, loved, loved the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, "On Stranger Tides." In case you all don't know and haven't seen it....

Jack Sparrow and Barbossa embark on a quest to find the elusive fountain of youth, only to discover that Blackbeard and his daughter are after it too.

There are some new characters in this movie and some missing that we have grown used to seeing. I think this made for a fresh fourth movie and gave the audience something new to get excited about. The length of the movie was perfect as well. It was about a two hour movie. The audience was full of kids, families, couples, adults. There was something for everyone. Beware though...this may not be the movie for your little tiny ones to go and see. It is fun and full of adventure and you will leave wanting to be a pirate but you will never look at mermaids the same way again and the movie has it's dark moments. (These are nothing like Ariel from Disney's Little Mermaid) If you haven't seen it yet I highly suggest you do though! Enjoy and have a fun night out with the family!

Get the kids a little fun pack before the movie. Purchase one of our pirate placemats from argggg. Make an eye patch with the kiddos (see previous blog) and get some gold chocolate coins for the adventure. Argggg!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Anyone up for Turtles and Tea?

Hi All! Happy Friday!

I just posted some great weekend activities on my Twitter page, @Mycreatedprint. The weather still isn't the best but spring time activities will get you in the mind set of summer! If you visit they have a great list every week of events going on in the Chicago area. If you need something to do check them out. I found a cute event and wish I had time to go to it.

"Tea with the Turtles"
This sounds so cute!
"Enjoy some tea time treats, view short films from Facets Multimedia about turtles and spring, and try out radio transmitters used to track endangered turtles. Join us on the terrace for an exclusive turtle poop party (weather permitting)."

Date: May 22
Time: 2:30 - 4:30
Where: Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
2430 North Cannon Drive

Purchase tickets in advance online, $7 and $3 for children. (Totally within your budget!)

Enjoy and if you end up going comment about it!
Remember to check out for cute placemats and follow me on Twitter @Mycreatedprint

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away....

Well Folks...
It's rainy and cloudy here in Chicago. So let's talk about a fun activity and craft the kids can do inside and that you can do with them. This one sounds like so much fun and now I totally wish I was little so I could do it myself!

Play Treasure Hunters!
If you have any fun pirate stuff around the house let your kids wear it for their fun adventure. But there is an easy craft below that they will love! Stash various clues around the house, depending on their age group. Make sure that each clue has a little piece of paper that leads your child to the next clue. They will love this and have so much fun. At the end of the hunt have a buried treasure. Maybe a fun movie, that you already have and a bag of popcorn. After their exploring they will be beat and ready for a movie and some popcorn. To get the kids ready make sure they have a good healthy lunch. You can pair their lunch with our cute Pirate placemat from It will get them in the pirate/treasure hunting mind frame.

Want to make a cute eye patch for the kids to wear while hunting for their treasure?
What you will need-
-Black construction paper
-Elastic or ribbon

1. Cut out an eye patch shape, you can find one on google, to fit your child's eye.
2. Cut slits into each side of the eye patch. Make sure they are not too big.
3. Put the elastic or ribbon through the slits in the eye patch. Make sure to fit it to the size of your child's head.
4. Tie the ribbon or elastic into knots on each end once it is through the slits.
5. Have fun!

Remember to check out for more fun themed placemat ideas!!

Monday, May 16, 2011 it important?

Did your kids eat breakfast this morning before heading off to school? I sure hope so! Try to remember during your busy morning that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives your kids the necessary energy that they need to make it through their day. Don't want them falling asleep in class, what's the point of going then, right? Here's some tips and breakfast ideas provided from

Quick facts:
1. Kids who don't eat breakfast are less able to learn at school
2. Skipping breakfast doesn't help people maintain a healthy weight. Those who skip tend to eat more calories throughout the day.
3. It is best to eat a variety of foods at breakfast time.

Yummy breakfast ideas:
Eggs, french toast, cold cereal and milk, hot cereal, whole-grain toast or bagel, yogurt with fruit

Are you always in a rush? Here are some "breakfast on the go" ideas:
yogurt, fresh fruit, whole-grain muffin, trail mix and dry cereal

Check out for some yummy recipes that you can prep for breakfast the night before!

Don't' forget....check out for cute personalized placemats. They are perfect for the messy morning eater and are re-usable.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Keeping the love alive?

Happy Friday the 13th everyone!

Every Friday I am going to talk about fun ways to spice up your date life with your significant other or fun activities to do with the kids. Since it is the weekend you have to unwind a little bit and have some fun!

So today is "date night talk" day. I'm sure most of you are thinking...."Were too busy to go out just the two of us" or "Our kids have way to many activities." Well stop, if you want to keep the love alive, the communication flowing and have your own lives you've got to have those date nights every once in a while. Remember your date nights don't have to be extravagant. Here are some fun ideas that won't break the bank or take up a huge chunk of your schedule.

Ideas from
1. Try live entertainment, such as a band at a local bar, instead of a movie.
2. Go out to brunch and a matinee.
3. Pick up a bucket of fried chicken and head to the drive-in. (This one is my fav!)

Give them a try and have some fun.

Remember to check out for cute personalized placemats for your kiddos!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lets get those kids outside!

Since the weather is AMAZING here in Chicago I thought today I would talk about getting your kids outside and teaching them to be active. I think this might be my Wednesday!! These are great ideas that you can use when your older kids are home for the summer too. But, right now have fun and play with your little ones!

According to, "When kids are active, their bodies can do the things they want and need them to do. Why? Because regular exercise provides these benefits:

  • strong muscles and bones

  • weight control (start at an early age)

  • decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes (no kid wants to deal with this)

  • better sleep (no one wants a grumpy kid)

  • a better outlook on life (help boost self esteem @ an early age)

"Healthy, physically active kids are also more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful!"

Try these fun outdoor activites:

1. Swimming-The pools might not be open but sign those little ones up, who don't know how to swim yet, for swimming lessons now. That way you can all visit the pool without a worry and you can work on your tan too!

2. Grow a kid friendly garden. This will help teach kids how to be patient, have fun and eat good food. Buy a few large pots from your local hardware store (or use some old ones lying around). Buy the basic plant fertilizer. I recommend starting with simple plants i.e. Tomatoes and green peppers. Plant your plants and place them in an area up off the ground away from the animals. Water them everyday and have fun watching your kids excitement grow!

More summer fun activities to come every Wednesday! Enjoy!

p.s. Once your veggies grow eat them for a healthy afternoon snack!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Helloooooo bloggers!

Hi Bloggers!

I've been doing a lot of research on Mommy Blogs and Grandparent Blogs and decided it was time to attempt blogging. Since the sun is shining and the weather here in Chicago is in the 80's I thought it would be the perfect day to start. I am the behind the scenes girl for a NEW, and I mean new, personalized product website called Everyone should check it out. We will be adding new products in the future!

I am going to talk about useful things that concern parents, children and grandparents. I want this blog to be about summertime fun! Bare with me as I embark on my blog adventure. Don't be afraid to suggest things. I can use all the advice I can get.

Enjoy my blogs and stay tuned to some exciting summertime fun!